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My wife and I along with two friends from Hong Kong recently spent two days with Tong. They were two very special days thanks to Tong and her driver!

Out of the four of us, I was the only one who had never been to Bangkok, so for some reason, I was given the job of planning the itinerary for our three days in Bangkok. I went to Tripadvisor and read numerous forums over a few months and Tong's name kept coming up as a highly recommended tour guide. So, I sent her an email last summer and was pleasantly surprised to get a response within hours!

We were able to have two days with Tong in February. The first day was spent going to the Deadly Market (as she called it), the Floating Market and on to the Fishing Village. Just an amazing day. The second day was spent in Bangkok touring the Grand Palace, the temples, the canals, the market.

So what? you might say. Well, this trip to Bangkok and surrounding areas was so much more special thanks to Tong. She has an amazing amount of knowledge, energy, passion and caring. Not to mention a great sense of humour and a great joy of life.

One of the highlights (there were so many) was her tour of the Grand Palace. While other groups swept past us with their guides, Tong took the time to explain in great detail and with great passion, the history of her beloved King's family. It was a truly moving experience.
We look forward to seeing her again in 2009.

Rene Roy and Patti Mills-Roy
Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada


I travelled to Thailand with my friend Dani in August 2007. Neither of us had been to Thailand before. We had found Tong's name on the Trip Advisor web page. We did not read a bad comment or experience about Tong and her staff.
We booked Tong before heading over to Bangkok. She kept us updated on everything before we had even left Australia.
We had organised Tong for tours on two separate days. Both days she met us at our motel early and made sure we were ready to go. She had a great personality and made us feel comfortable and excited we were about to have a great tour of the city and its history. On the first day we did a tour of the temples around the Bangkok. Tong knew everything we asked her and was excited when telling us the storey behind each of the temples and Buddha's. We were exhausted, but Tong was still full of energy.
On the second day we were tossing up whether or not to do the floating markets before the Tiger Temple. Tong suggested we do visit the floating markets. We were so glad we did. It was such a unique experience. We ate food from boats as we watched them cook in front of us. We got to experience so much having Tong as our tour guide opposed to being in a group and missing out of different things.
Before going to the Tiger Temple Tong explained the situation of the area and how the Tigers came to be in the present of the Monks. I will never forget this day. It was amazing. There are no other words to describe the experience we were able to have. I think we would have missed so much if we were not with Tong. We would not have understood or appreciated what the Monks were trying to achieve with the Tigers if Tong had not taken the time to tell us. We got to pat the cubs and hold a couple of them, and even feed one some milk tablets. 
You could see how much the Monks and workers respect and like Tong. They helped her help us get the best photos and the best experiences. Right to the point where we were able to meet Bam Bam a Sun Bear. I have never been so close let alone feed a bear before.  
We got to see and experience so much with Tong. She thought of the little things tour companies would never think of. Being Aussies we are use to nice toilets not holes in the ground. She even made sure we stopped at places that had clean and fully functioning toilets!!! (Happy Places).
I have told so many people thinking of heading to Bangkok to contact Tong to do all their tours. Tong is not just a tour guide. She loves her country and city and that comes out in her tours. She enjoys sharing stories of her country and its history, and I think it is this part of her that makes the tours so fantastic.
I would not hesitate to use Tong or any of her tour guides when I return to Bangkok in the near future to find new places to visit and learn about. Dani is returning there soon with her family and I know she is contacting Tong to have her show her family around. I know I would not have left Bangkok with so many fantastic memories if it wasn't for Tong.
Tracey and Dani
Brisbane, Australia

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